Thu, 13 October 2011
The pro-life community has been buzzing for a week now about the "180" documentary. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it for free at I had the opportunity to interview Ray Comfort, the author and filmmaker behind "180," to ask him some questions about the movie.
1: Ray, how did you come up with the idea for "180?"
2: Was the hidden camera footage legal?
3: What are you hoping to accomplish with the film?
4: Now you often compare abortion to the Holocaust and a lot of pro-lifers do this. Ray, tell me how you respond to people like Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who doesn’t believe that abortion and Holocaust are comparable?
5: What percentage of people interviewed, not just shown on the movie but interviewed, changed their minds on abortion?
6: You know I do a lot of work with Justice For All and we go out and we train pro-life people to dialogue with pro-choice people about abortion in the most effective ways possible. Would you encourage other pro-life advocates to use hypothetical situations the way that you did when talking to pro-choice people?
7: Your video showed graphic images of the Holocaust. What do you think about the need for pro-lifers to show graphic images of aborted children and how effective do you think they are?
8: A lot of Christian ministries avoid talking about abortion because it is a controversial issue. Based on your experience, do you find that it has been effective to get people to talk about their beliefs?
9: The first 20 minutes of your movie got a really good review from a pro-life non-theist on the secular pro-life blog. But that person was disappointed in the evangelism, last part of your movie. What do you think of non-Christian participation in the pro-life movement?
10: How can pro-life people get involved?