Right to Life Radio

We just filmed an interview with pro-life hero Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life for our January 22nd episode. After we were finished, Fr. Pavone agreed to answer one more question geared toward pastors and priests as they prepare for Sanctity of Life Sunday. (January 20th.) Specifically I asked besides the obvious messages on imago dei and the sanctity of human life, what is the most important message for pastors to preach that Sunday morning. What should the congregation walk away with? 

Please forward this video on to your pastor or priest!

Visit ProLifePreaching.com.

Tune into ProLifePodcas.net for the full interview of Father Pavone on January 22nd, 2013.

Direct download: BONUS-FatherPavoneOnPro-LifePreaching.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm PST