Right to Life Radio
The Life Report team continues a series of episodes responding to a YouTube video made by a self-described pro-choice pro-gay rights activist. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" he's heard, and the Life Report team is going to briefly discuss each one of them! In this episode, Carrie joins Josh and Liz as they continue responding to a YouTube video made by a pro-choice gay rights activist. The "pro-life lies" we saved for Carrie are specifically directed at post-abortive women. In this episode, we respond to the statements: - "Abortion tears your soul apart." - "Women who abort go to Hell." - "Women who abort are sluts." - "Women who abort don't use birth control." The full episode audio as well as supporting documents that you can use can be found at http://ProLifePodcast.net
Direct download: LifeReport46.mp3
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