Right to Life Radio

Josh and Jonathan Keller interview Kristi Burkhart, Executive Director of the Fresno Pregnancy Care Center. This is not just a puff piece about PRC's. Most of our discussion is about the most common accusations leveled at PRC's by pro-abortion-choice people and organizations.

Topics include:

  • The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) says that PRC's give false information about the abortion/breast cancer link, post-abortion syndrome and physical effects of abortion. Kristi explains how her center handles those three topics with their clients.
  • What does her center do if a client doesn't want to discuss one of her options? (Parenting, adoption, abortion.)
  • How does her center talk about birth control?
  • The difference between PRC's under CareNetNIFLA and Heartbeat International, and "rogue centers" that often have less quality control.
Direct download: LifeReport160.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm PST