Right to Life Radio

Published on the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions that made abortion legal in all 50 states through all nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason, out interview with pro-life hero Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life was focused on the current state of the pro-life movement.


  1. What can pro-lifers do to more effectively change peoples minds?
  2. Why did 43% of church-going  Catholics vote for President Obama in the last election?
  3. What have been the pro-life movement’s greatest victory (or victories) so far?
  4. What has been the pro-life movement’s greatest failing or weakness?
  5. How can we overcome the obstacle of apathy?
  6. How should pro-lifers interact with those who are pro-abortion-choice?
  7. What single thing should pro-lifers be doing that most are NOT doing right now?
  8. What single thing do pro-life people sometimes spend TOO much time doing, when they could be doing something else that’s more effective?
  9. Graphic pictures: should we use them, and if so, how, when, and where?
  10. Assisted suicide & euthanasia: what should pro-lifers be doing about this, and why?

Questions from Listeners:

  1. Patrick in Grand Rapids, MI: "Given the election results, what do we most need to double down on: politics, public education/demonstration, educating the 'people in the pews,' support Pregnancy Resource Centers, something else?"
  2. JP Prichard from Hanford, CA: "What do you see as being the best ways to promote unity among pro-life organizations and sects?"
Direct download: LifeReport162.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am PST