Right to Life Radio

Josh responds to an email from Ashlen who was debating abortion with somebody who responded that parents should have the right to kill their children until they are 18 years old! She wants to know what she should have said.

Josh's response includes comments on what to do when you get stumped or run out of steam and the proper introduction of humor into a dialogue.

Direct download: ListenerMail-RespondingToExtremeArguments.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:52pm PST

Josh responds to a listener email that makes some strong claims about Margaret Sanger. Josh has a different take on Sanger's views and explains why.

Direct download: ListenerMail-MargaretSanger.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:31pm PST

Josh responds to an email from someone who isn't finding lots of success using economic arguments for the pro-life position. Her pro-choice friend's response is to reference "Freakonomics" and add that if the country needs more people, we should just open up the borders.

Direct download: ListenerMail-EconomicArguments.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:54pm PST

Josh responds to an email from someone who seems frustrated that Josh mis-characterized pro-life people as being uninformed about fetal development. Other topics include late-term abortions, Down Syndrome abortions, post-fertilization age vs. LMP, and the use of the term "pro-aborts."

Direct download: ListenerMail-YoureTooHardOnProlifers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am PST