Right to Life Radio

It’s the twelfth and final part of our popular “Responding to Pro-Life Lies Video” series! The video we're responding to lists 55 “pro-life lies” a woman named Kenna heard, and in this series we respond to them all.

This is the first of four episodes with Josh's brother Timothy, who is now a staff member at Justice For All.

After discussing the last six "lies," Josh, Tim and Gabi have a conversation about the need for pro-life people to get out of their "echo chamber," and the need to ultimately be known by their love. We also communicate a mutual desire for both sides to be more charitable, considering the best arguments from the opposing side as opposed to just trumpeting the worst they can find.

Here are the 8 “pro-life lies” we respond to in this episode:

  1. "Birth control causes abortion."
  2. "Emergency contraception is an abortifacient."
  3. "Women are sacred vessels."
  4. "Pro-choice women don't have children."
  5. "Pro-choice women should have their children taken away."
  6. "Pro-choice people don't care about babies."

Note from Josh: I reached out to Kenna to let her know we finished the series based on her video and offered her a chance to respond. She wrote, "It was great to meet people who could discuss abortion and present their point of view in a civil manner. YouTube was my main forum for political discussions and it doesn't have the greatest reputation. I'm not as active online anymore since I finished college and started working, but I really did enjoy your podcast. Congratulations on finishing your series." ~ Kenna

I told her I would always be open to discussing abortion with her further.

Direct download: LifeReport168.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:50am PST

Stephanie Grant, Executive Director of Infant of Prague Adoption Services and Laurel Boylan, Founder of God's Waiting Children join Josh to discuss adoption.

Topics include:

  • Clarifying common misconceptions about adoption.
  • The difference between open and closed adoption.
  • The differences between the process of domestic and international adoption.
  • Available grants for adopting parents.
  • Addressing the common resentment between families that have adopted domestically and those that have adopted internationally.
  • An update on the situation with Russian president Vladimir Putin banning American families from adopting children from Russia.
  • How adopting children from the foster care system works.
  • Does a pregnant teen need to choose adoption before contacting an adoption agency?
Direct download: LifeReport167.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:42am PST