Right to Life Radio
From today's Link of the Week recording session.
Direct download: LinkBlooper-KyleCantSayForsyth.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:53am PST

Josh, Kyle and Jon conclude their discussion of the infamous Superbowl ad. Was it "pro-life enough," or was it masterfully innocent? After the break, they talk about pro-life voting guidelines, particularly as it relates to the controversial election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, a pro-abortion-choice Republican.
Direct download: LifeReport87.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:48am PST

After giving Josh a hard time for not coming on his station often enough, Ken Adams asks Josh about the podcast, as well as the murder of Dr. Tiller, the use of "new media" in the pro-life movement, faulty pro-life arguments, how to have effective dialogues with pro-abortion-choice people, and Fresno Right to Life's upcoming Walkathon fundraiser.
Direct download: JoshBrahmOnKRDU-02-2010.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:24am PST

It's a testosterone-packed podcast with Josh, Kyle and Jon discussing the whole Superbowl Ad controversy! Just HOW insane was the reaction of the National Organization of Women on this one? Did the Tim Tebow ad venture into the problems Josh had with the "Imagine the Potential" CatholicVote ads from his infamous debate with Jon last year? These questions are definitively answered in this episode.
Direct download: LifeReport86.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:43am PST

Josh starts the show by telling one of the most important news stories of 2009 for pro-lifers to be aware of. After the break, we respond to some listener mail in response to a recent discussion on pro-life voting guidelines.
Direct download: LifeReport84.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:08am PST

I've always loved the bloopers compilations on DVD's, so I figured, why not do the same thing for a radio show? If you enjoy the fact that we don't always sound intelligent in the making of our show, then you're going to love this. To listen to more bloopers, go to http://prolifepodcast.net/bloopers/index.html.
Direct download: bloopers-episode85.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:06am PST

Josh, Liz and Carrie respond to listener emails and a voicemail in one of the funniest episodes we've recorded in months!
Direct download: LifeReport85.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:06am PST