Right to Life Radio
Jon Wagner and Maureen McKinley from Justice For All discuss why they chose dialogue work versus other types of pro-life work, and their biggest pet-peeves about pro-life AND pro-choice advocates.
Direct download: Interview-JFATeam1.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:38am PST

On a recent episode of "The View," the hosts discussed a new ultrasound bill in Oklahoma. In the next two episodes of Life Report, we respond to some of the arguments made, so that you'll know what to say if you hear somebody else make these arguments in the future. You can watch the full video of us taping this episode at http://blog.prolifepodcast.net/2010/06/22/97-did-they-just-say-that-the-view-discusses-new-ultrasound-bill-part-2.aspx
Direct download: LifeReport97.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:02am PST