Right to Life Radio

Our favorite (nearly graduated) student from Notre Dame Law John Gerardi is back to give us an update on the current status of the different lawsuits against the HHS mandate. We talk about the kinds of entities that are suing and on what grounds, whether it's looking favorable or not and which religious groups have been exempted and why.

Listener Questions:

  1. Michael from Tulsa, OK: Will Scientologists get an exemption for all medical treatments that go against their religion now that Priests for Life got an exemption?
Direct download: LifeReport163.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:06am PST

Published on the 40th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton decisions that made abortion legal in all 50 states through all nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason, out interview with pro-life hero Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life was focused on the current state of the pro-life movement.


  1. What can pro-lifers do to more effectively change peoples minds?
  2. Why did 43% of church-going  Catholics vote for President Obama in the last election?
  3. What have been the pro-life movement’s greatest victory (or victories) so far?
  4. What has been the pro-life movement’s greatest failing or weakness?
  5. How can we overcome the obstacle of apathy?
  6. How should pro-lifers interact with those who are pro-abortion-choice?
  7. What single thing should pro-lifers be doing that most are NOT doing right now?
  8. What single thing do pro-life people sometimes spend TOO much time doing, when they could be doing something else that’s more effective?
  9. Graphic pictures: should we use them, and if so, how, when, and where?
  10. Assisted suicide & euthanasia: what should pro-lifers be doing about this, and why?

Questions from Listeners:

  1. Patrick in Grand Rapids, MI: "Given the election results, what do we most need to double down on: politics, public education/demonstration, educating the 'people in the pews,' support Pregnancy Resource Centers, something else?"
  2. JP Prichard from Hanford, CA: "What do you see as being the best ways to promote unity among pro-life organizations and sects?"
Direct download: LifeReport162.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:37am PST

Josh and Jonathan Keller finish their interview with Kristi Burkhart, Executive Director of the Fresno Pregnancy Care Center, focusing on the unique relationship our two organizations have and practical advice for people who want to help a girl who has an unplanned pregnancy.

Topics include:

  • Why our right to life organization has been able to maintain such a good partnership with the local pregnancy resource center. (Sadly, a rare situation.)
  • Common misconceptions that pro-life people have of girls that are pregnant and abortion-vulnerable.
  • How can our listeners practically help their friend that suddenly becomes pregnant?
  • What are common mistakes that well-meaning pro-life people make when talking to a pregnant teen?
  • Should sidewalk counselors offer to adopt the babies of mothers considering abortion?
  • Is it true that it's impossible for college students to have kids and stay in school?
Direct download: LifeReport161.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:14pm PST

We just filmed an interview with pro-life hero Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life for our January 22nd episode. After we were finished, Fr. Pavone agreed to answer one more question geared toward pastors and priests as they prepare for Sanctity of Life Sunday. (January 20th.) Specifically I asked besides the obvious messages on imago dei and the sanctity of human life, what is the most important message for pastors to preach that Sunday morning. What should the congregation walk away with? 

Please forward this video on to your pastor or priest!

Visit ProLifePreaching.com.

Tune into ProLifePodcas.net for the full interview of Father Pavone on January 22nd, 2013.

Direct download: BONUS-FatherPavoneOnPro-LifePreaching.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm PST

Josh and Jonathan Keller interview Kristi Burkhart, Executive Director of the Fresno Pregnancy Care Center. This is not just a puff piece about PRC's. Most of our discussion is about the most common accusations leveled at PRC's by pro-abortion-choice people and organizations.

Topics include:

  • The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) says that PRC's give false information about the abortion/breast cancer link, post-abortion syndrome and physical effects of abortion. Kristi explains how her center handles those three topics with their clients.
  • What does her center do if a client doesn't want to discuss one of her options? (Parenting, adoption, abortion.)
  • How does her center talk about birth control?
  • The difference between PRC's under CareNetNIFLA and Heartbeat International, and "rogue centers" that often have less quality control.
Direct download: LifeReport160.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm PST

It's the eleventh part of our popular "Responding to Pro-Life Lies Video" series. The video lists 55 “pro-life lies” she’s heard, and in this series, we’re responding to them all.

This was easily the toughest episode in this series to record, because so many of the statements are blatantly hateful. These are the worst statements from that entire video. Josh ends the episode with a plea to pro-lifers be good ambassadors for Christ.

Here are the 8 "pro-life lies" we respond to in this episode:

  1. "Abortion is anti-feminist."
  2. "Jobs aborted children could have held are taken over by illegal immigrants."
  3. "Women who abort should be sterilized."
  4. "Childbirth is easy and women who don't want to do it are just lazy."
  5. "Planned Parenthood lies to women."
  6. "Teen mothers are whores."
  7. "No mother would ever kill her child."
  8. "Women don't know what they really have."

Stay tuned for the final episode of this series coming soon!

Direct download: LifeReport159.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:41pm PST