Right to Life Radio
Listener Mail: 1: "Should we use a different word than ‘abortion,’ because that word can also refer to a natural miscarriage?" 2: "One of my friends at school is planning on becoming an embryonic stem cell research scientist. Is there a unique way you would discuss the issue of life with an abortionist or a stem cell researcher?" Includes a discussion on whether you should ever end a friendship with a pro-choice person or stem cell scientist. For more information on stem cell research, visit StemCellAnswers.org
Direct download: LifeReport131.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:28am PST

Trent Horn, Director of Youth Outreach with Project Defending Life joins the show via phone to discuss whether emotionally appealing arguments are automatically fallacious. Josh and Trent have both recently been countered by debaters who immediately object whenever they make an argument that pulls on peoples heartstrings. Certainly some appeals to emotion are fallacious, but are all of them? What are common fallacious appeals to emotion that pro-lifers and pro-choicers make while debating abortion?
Direct download: LifeReport130.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:39am PST

Jay Watts from Life Training Institute join the Life Report team via Skype for a round table discussion on whether modern day Planned Parenthood is actually a racist organization. Jay offers a brief biography on Margaret Sanger and the two most significant events in her life. In response to the question of whether Sanger was racist, Jay responds that "racist" is too limiting a term for her. Also discussed are the stats that seem to implicate Planned Parenthood in targeting minorities, as well as the location of some of their clinics in minority neighborhoods, and the Live Action Racism Project. Finally Josh offers an alternative explanation for the higher abortion rate in the black community and the location of some Planned Parenthood clinics in minority neighborhoods.
Direct download: LifeReport129.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:26am PST

The pro-life community has been buzzing for a week now about the "180" documentary. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can watch it for free at 180Movie.com. I had the opportunity to interview Ray Comfort, the author and filmmaker behind "180," to ask him some questions about the movie. Questions: 1: Ray, how did you come up with the idea for "180?" 2: Was the hidden camera footage legal? 3: What are you hoping to accomplish with the film? 4: Now you often compare abortion to the Holocaust and a lot of pro-lifers do this. Ray, tell me how you respond to people like Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, who doesn’t believe that abortion and Holocaust are comparable? 5: What percentage of people interviewed, not just shown on the movie but interviewed, changed their minds on abortion? 6: You know I do a lot of work with Justice For All and we go out and we train pro-life people to dialogue with pro-choice people about abortion in the most effective ways possible. Would you encourage other pro-life advocates to use hypothetical situations the way that you did when talking to pro-choice people? 7: Your video showed graphic images of the Holocaust. What do you think about the need for pro-lifers to show graphic images of aborted children and how effective do you think they are? 8: A lot of Christian ministries avoid talking about abortion because it is a controversial issue. Based on your experience, do you find that it has been effective to get people to talk about their beliefs? 9: The first 20 minutes of your movie got a really good review from a pro-life non-theist on the secular pro-life blog. But that person was disappointed in the evangelism, last part of your movie. What do you think of non-Christian participation in the pro-life movement? 10: How can pro-life people get involved?
Direct download: BONUS-JoshBrahmInterviewsRayComfort.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:26am PST

Josh starts the show with a quick rant about annoying people who nitpick other people’s language that aren't "pro-life" enough. As you can guess, this happened to him recently. Afterwards the Life Report team discusses something Justice For All Director David Lee said during Josh’s interview with him. David said that "everybody is a little bit pro-choice." Is this true? Do pro-life people REALLY believe that unborn children are full persons? Do they act like they believe that? Lastly, the Life Report responds to a pro-choice argument Josh had never heard before: "abortion is just a medical treatment for unwanted pregnancy, and medical treatments should be legal."
Direct download: LifeReport128.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 4:13am PST

Josh & Liz respond to questions from the audience. Caller: 1: "Are you pro-life activists because of your belief in God, or because of something else?" Listener Mail: 1: "I think pro-choice bodily rights arguments are all strawmen arguments." 2: "How would you respond to a consistent death ethic, where the person responds that it would even be okay to kill toddlers for that reason?"
Direct download: show_2241931.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:08am PST

Special guests Steve Wagner and Becca Haschke from Justice For All join Josh for a discussion on how pro-lifers can best interact with post-abortive people. We don’t want to make them feel unnecessarily guilty, but we also don’t want to overcompensate and act as if abortion is no big deal.
Direct download: LifeReport127.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:35am PST

This is the first of a series of recorded conversations between Josh Brahm and abortion advocates we're going to publish exclusively on this website. It's not an attempt to make pro-choice people look dumb, but an attempt to understand them better, as well as let you hear the arguments and methods we talk about on Life Report used in real time, with real people. Primary Dialogue Topics: 1: Summary of Crystal and Josh's positions on abortion 2: Are the unborn constructed or developed? 3: Is the current capacity for conscious thought necessary for personhood? 4: Is the zygote comparable to bodily cells? 5: What about rape?
Direct download: BONUS-CrystalMartinDebate1.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:35am PST

Special guests Steve Wagner and Becca Haschke from Justice For All join Josh for a discussion on how to respond to "impossible" pro-choice people.
Direct download: LifeReport126.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:50am PST

Josh Brahm interviews Jen Roth, a pro-life philosopher who’s also an atheist and co-founder of All Our Lives. Jen explains how she communicates and defends her pro-life position. Jen also responded to questions from both pro-life and pro-choice live listeners, and closes the show by asking Josh how he grounds his view that humans are valuable. Josh’s Questions for Jen: 1: How would you communicate your pro-life position? 2: How do you respond when a pro-choice person says the unborn are not persons as you and I are? 3: Do you distinguish between humans and all other animals? 4: How would you respond to someone who bites the bullet and concedes that newborns are not valuable people? 5: What about rape? 6: Assuming the unborn are valuable people, how do you respond to the objection that making abortion illegal would you would be violating womens’ bodily autonomy, or bodily integrity? 7: By basic needs, do you mean universal or something else? 8: As an atheist, would the argument that the uterus is designed for pregnancy hold weight? 9: How would you respond if a pro-choicer moves from bodily rights to rape? Does parental responsibility hold up in that case? 10: Some say that not allowing abortions is inherently discriminatory because she could not walk away from the pregnancy in the same way a jerky man could. What do you say to that? 11: And what do you think of the counter that a law prohibiting abortion would not be inherently discriminatory unless it stated that only women could not have abortions (as men could, theoretically, one day become pregnant despite the extreme risk of danger)? 12: Would you consider yourself a moral relativist? 13: How would you respond to the pro-choicer who thinks that we should be able to abort babies that have physical or mental defects? 14: How do you think the way you ground your pro-life argument differs from pro-life theists? Questions from Live Listeners: 1: Would the thought that birth gives us full human rights not be consistent? 2: Even if we concede there is an intrusion going on in the woman’s body, in the case of rape, to remain pregnant against her will, the intrusion against the child’s body in the case of abortion outweighs the intrusion in the case of rape. Is that a good pro-life argument or a bad one? 3: As an atheist, what do you believe makes humans so valuable that all humans, even the unborn, should be protected? 4: As an atheist, from a pro-choicer who believes abortion is permissible from a moral relativist position, how would you answer that objection and say that abortion is never morally permissible?
Direct download: JenRothInterview.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:04am PST

Josh describes an abortion debate he's having online with someone, who's using philosopher Eileen McDonagh's argument that the fetus is comparable to a rapist, implanting itself in the mother's body without consent, and that the mother has the right to refuse consent and repel the fetus like she would a rapist. How should pro-lifers respond to this fringe version of the bodily rights argument?
Direct download: LifeReport125.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:44am PST

Includes caller questions and listener mail on heading off relativism at the start of a conversation, responding to pro-choice questions and Josh takes back something he said in an earlier podcast about ineffective biblical arguments!
Direct download: show_2161369.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:58am PST

1: How Josh's pro-life story started 2: How pro-lifers should use social networking (and how they shouldn't) 3: How can we activate pastors that are afraid of preaching clearly on abortion? 4: How did Life Report get started? 5: Is the pro-life battle a winnable war?
Direct download: JoshBrahmOnIndianaRadio1.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:31am PST

The Life Report team brings back a classic Life Report topic: pro-life bumper stickers. It quickly becomes a debate between Josh and Andrew on what the purpose of a pro-life bumper sticker should be, while Liz, as usual, mediates. Listener Competition: Create your own pro-life bumper sticker and email it to Josh. It can't be based on a bumper stick or slogan already in use. We'll vote on the best bumper sticker in a future episode and the winner will receive a $50 Best Buy gift card!
Direct download: LifeReport124.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:57am PST

Guest Co-Host: Christina Dunigan, Pro-Life Researcher/Blogger http://realchoice.blogspot.com/ Caller 1: Isn't claiming that the aborting of disabled babies will shut down the Special Olympics a bad pro-life argument? 2: It seems like our government is turning a blind eye to abortion facilities with low health standard. Do you feel there will ever be a time when our government will take action on this issue? 3: I think it's a good idea to try to understand the motivations of pro-choice politicians. Listener Mail: Antonio from Portugal writes to us with some shocking excerpts about abortion from a sexuality textbook in Spain.
Direct download: show_2138331.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:23am PST

Live Action President Lila Rose and Media Director David Schmidt join Josh to discuss their latest project, IStandWithIndiana.org. They explain why Indiana is the "ground zero" of the abortion battle right now, discuss their project and Planned Parenthood’s reaction to it. They then respond to listener comments & questions, from both pro-lifers and pro-choicers.
Direct download: LifeReport123.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:59am PST

Note from Josh: Open Line runs through Skype, and Skype was apparently working very poorly the night we recorded this. Thus, the audio is pretty skippy. You can still follow what we’re saying, but it’s not nearly the same quality you’re used to from Life Report. If you’re willing to be patient with that, I think the content of this show will be helpful to you. From now on, we’ll run a backup recording off our mixer so that if Skype acts stupid again, we can replace the audio straight from our board. Caller Questions: 1: "How would you respond to this pro-choice argument: ‘DNA is like computer code, and many fetuses die before birth because their computer code malfunctions, so we really can’t know if a fetus is human until it’s born.’" 2: "I think the popular pro-life quote, ‘abortion has killed one-fourth of our generation’ is both a false statistic and a poor argument." Listener Mail Questions: 1: "Technically, ‘abortion’ is the termination of a pregnancy following, accompanied by, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Because a) this can apply to miscarriages and b) it’s the killing of the child, not the ending of the pregnancy, that we oppose, do you think it would behoove us to use a different word?" 2: "My friend wants to become an embryonic stem cell researcher. Is there any unique way you would discuss the issue of life with an abortion doctor or an embryonic stem cell researcher?" 3: "I was wondering, why some people would oppose reproductive cloning but not therapeutic/research cloning? It seems the one that doesn’t kill people would be preferred."
Direct download: show_2089545.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:59am PST

The Life Report team responds to the concern that by exposing poor pro-life arguments, we are helping pro-choice people win debates with pro-lifers who use those arguments. Are we inadvertently equipping "the enemy?"
Direct download: LifeReport122.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:39am PST

Guest Co-Host: Pro-Life Pastor Kristopher Mobbs. Includes listener questions on legislating morality, pro-life warning labels, the burning IVF lab scenario, and a pro-choice listener calls in to ask about whether women might be unjustly prosecuted for miscarriages if abortion becomes illegal.
Direct download: show_2032787.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:32am PST

The Life Report team responds to an email from a future Canadian pro-life apologist, who received an email from a post-abortive woman on Facebook who was offended by the pro-life stories he was posting. Topics covered: How to "know your audience" on Facebook Tips for effective pro-life dialogue online Customizing your pro-life Facebook posts so that your post-abortive or pro-choice friends won’t see them
Direct download: LifeReport121.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:21am PST

Josh presents this question for the panel: "In one-on-one abortion dialogue situations, should pro-lifers help pro-choicers make better arguments?" This is easily one of the most controversial topics we've ever debated. Comment below and give us your thoughts! Wondering why Andrew is in Kyle's old chair? We discussed this at the beginning of our first Open Line show.
Direct download: LifeReport120.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:46am PST

Special guest Jason Jones is back for a second episode! Questions for Jason: 1: How does "Whole Life" take a unique approach to pro-life activism? 2: What does Jason mean that the pro-life movement needs to change Hollywood, and how can we do it? 3: How can pro-lifers change the culture through art? 4: What activities can pro-life clubs on college campuses do that will change their culture?
Direct download: LifeReport119.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:00am PST

Jason Jones, producer at Metanoia Films, which includes "Bella," comes to the studio to take on the Life Report Questionnaire. Check back next week to see part 2 of Jason's interview, where we discuss how pro-lifers can use art to create a culture of life.
Direct download: LifeReport118.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:45am PST

Questions from Live Listeners: 1: "Would [using the word genocide] derail the conversation from abortion, and would you spend an unnecessary amount of time defending yourself?" 2: "Is there a statistical link showing an increase in attempted suicides by post-abortive women?"
Direct download: LifeReport117WebEx.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 2:58am PST

It’s the tenth part of our popular "Responding to Pro-Life Lies Video" series. The video lists 55 "pro-life lies" she’s heard, and in this series, we’re responding to them all! (And pro-lifers are often surprised by our stance on some of these!) Here are the 4 "pro-life lies" we respond to in this episode: 1: "Teens who give birth are giving the gift of life." 2: "Pregnancy builds character." 3: "Abortion is worse than the Holocaust." 4: "Abortion is worse than slavery."
Direct download: LifeReport117.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:18am PST

It’s Life Report’s first lightning round episode! We’re reviewing our popular "Responding to Pro-Life Lies Video" series, which we are most of the way through, but that was before the TV show started. To review, Josh picks 11 of the 36 "pro-life lies" that we’ve already discussed on the show. To catch up on this series, visit http://prolifepodcast.net/category/pro-life-lies-video. Here are the 16 statements we quickly respond to in this episode: "Partial birth abortion is cruel." "The Bible says abortion is wrong." "Planned Parenthood is racist." "Abstinence-only education will prevent abortion." "A third of our generation is missing." "Fetuses can breathe." "A woman is someone who can give birth." "Women who abort are sluts." "All women regret abortion." "Women who abort don’t use birth control." "No one would consider abortion after having children." "Women are meant to have babies." "The heart beats, therefore it is wrong to kill it." "An aborted child could have cured cancer." "Back-alley abortions are a myth." "Abortion is malicious."
Direct download: LifeReport116.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 10:22am PST

The Life Report team discusses the new website, ThanksAbortion.com, as well as their controversial t-shirts. Afterwards, Josh shares a story of walking up to some pro-life activists at Fresno City College and pretending to be pro-choice. Learn what common mistake the activists made while debating Josh. Listener Mail: 1: British listener on why this podcast has been helpful to him, and the status of abortion rights in the UK. 2: How do you do pro-life work without getting down in the dumps?
Direct download: LifeReport115.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:24am PST

Our fans have asked for more "war stories" from our dialogues with pro-choice people. Josh brings a story of a conversation with a staunch abortion supporter. He talks about several mistakes he made, and also what unusual tactics Josh used that lead to the woman becoming changing her mind!
Direct download: LifeReport114.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:50am PST

The show starts with Kyle confessing to an addiction to a massive online multiplayer Lord of the Rings game. Hilarity ensues. We get the chance to correct faulty logic from both sides of the abortion debate in this episode. We go from pro-life YouTube commenters stating that a CGI animation of fetal development is "proof that life begins at conception" to Planned Parenthood volunteers declaring war on science in a public debate.
Direct download: LifeReport113.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:25am PST

Liz starts the show expressing her concern that we came across too harsh against the pro-life sidewalk counselors in the last episode. After clarifying our feelings about that, we transition to the question of how pro-lifers should respond to severe fetal deformity. Pro-choicers point to children that will die within hours of birth as a case that proves abortion should be available. What are the most effective ways to respond? We answer that in this show, which is also the most emotional show we’ve ever recorded.
Direct download: LifeReport112.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:51am PST

I’ve done a lot of radio interviews, but I don’t enjoy any of them as much as I enjoy the never-ending banter between myself and Ken Adams at KRDU. I posted an MP3 of an interview with Ken last year, and it was the 5th most popular MP3 of the year. What’s different this year? Neither Ken or myself held back! Topics include: 1. Why I started the podcast 2. Faulty pro-life arguments 3. Does my show ever offend pro-lifers? 4. Does it bothers me when it does? 5. What does it mean practically to be an ambassador for Christ? 6. How did we make the transition to broadcast television? 7. How can religious TV broadcasting become more youth friendly? 8. How can we sum up the pro-life position in 10 seconds? 9. Should we use Bible verses during conversations with atheists about abortion and stem cell research? 10. How did turning the podcast into a TV series change the show?
Direct download: JoshBrahm-KRDU-1-11-11.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:21am PST

The Life Report team responds to a viral video of an aborting dad confronting two pro-life protestors outside of an abortion facility.
Direct download: LifeReport111.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:18am PST

We start by introducing the new show as well as Andrew, our new co-host, who is replacing Kyle. Caller #1: Parental notification absurdity. Caller #2: "What do you think about the strategy of passing state personhood amendments?" We close by discussing Josh's viral article, warning pro-lifers to stay on topic when debating the morality of abortion.
Direct download: LifeReportOpenLine-Episode1.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:20am PST

David Lee from Justice For All takes on the Life Report Questionnaire. Highlight: David’s answer after I asked him what to say to pro-lifers that think using Stand to Reason’s "Ambassador for Christ" model is playing it too nice with pro-choicers...
Direct download: Interview-DavidLee.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:47am PST

Josh welcomes their new KNXT audience and briefly introduces the show and cast. Afterwards, the Life Report team discusses a Sun Magazine article about a British woman who had 4 abortions in 3 years. A critical analysis is also made of the pro-life and pro-choice response to the article. We close by explaining how YOU can use this story in dialogues with pro-choice people.
Direct download: LifeReport110.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:59am PST

Trent Horn from Justice For All join us to answer the question, "are the unborn organisms?" Trent answers the questions: - What differentiates a living human embryo from other living human tissue like cancer cells? - How do you respond when someone says "an organism must be a separate, independent entity?" - A new pro-choice argument is that an organism must be able to direct its own growth, but an embryo requires the mother's RNA to do this. How do you respond? Pro-life advocates would be wise to learn how to respond to these questions, as they are coming up more and more often. Listener Mail: "Why do you think the area of in vitro fertilization is so often ignored by the pro-life movement? What should pro-lifers be doing about IVF, and why?"
Direct download: LifeReport109.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:50am PST

Trent Horn sits in for Kyle, joining Josh and Liz in a discussion about whether pro-lifers should encourage censorship of pro-choice activities.
Direct download: LifeReport108.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:18am PST

Trent Horn from Justice For All is in studio to conclude our discussion about the ultimate pro-choice argument: bodily rights. In this episode, Trent refutes the "right to refuse" argument, and then exposes several poor arguments pro-lifers sometimes make attempting to refute "right to refuse." We close by responding to some listener mail on the topic of bodily rights arguments.
Direct download: LifeReport107.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:15am PST