Right to Life Radio

On today’s episode, John and Jonathan break down the passing of SB 320, and the prospects of Jerry Brown vetoing the bill. They also talked about Brett Kavanagh, who is totally a bro. Tune in!

Direct download: 286_SB_320_Passes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:27pm PST

On today’s show, John and Jonathan talk about Roe, SB 320, and about John’s Lousy Day. Also, John makes up a sad country song. Tune in!

Direct download: 285_Roe_and_SB_320.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:31pm PST

Today, John is joined by a special co-host: Bernadette Tasy, the president of Fresno State Students for Life! John and Bernadette discuss what's happening with SB 320. They're then joined on the phone by Dr. Michael New from the Catholic University of America and the Charlotte Lozier Institute to discuss Americans' attitudes towards abortion.  Tune in!

Direct download: 284_Michael_New_and_Bernadette_Tasy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:09pm PST

On today’s show, John and Jonathan discuss bizarre FDA and HHS decisions to fund different pro-choice initiatives, and talk with Alexandra DeSanctis from National Review. Also, an appeal on SB 320. Tune in!

Direct download: 283_Alexandra_DeSanctis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:20pm PST