Right to Life Radio

Listen to WGSO talk show host Jeff Crouere interview Josh Brahm, asking the following questions:

  1. You believe that if they communicate the pro-life position properly, that any pro-life person can go toe-to-toe with any pro-choice advocate, is that right?
  2. Don't we see a reduction of abortions across the country?
  3. What is it within the pro-choice message that you can find common ground with?
  4. You still want to see Roe vs. Wade overturned, right? What would that look like on a national level?
  5. California is definitely a hostile state to pro-life causes. Does it help that there's such a large influx of Latino people who are often Catholic, and thus, pro-life?
  6. Won't ultrasounds have a dramatic impact on this issue?
  7. Is adoption an area where both pro-life and pro-choice people can find common ground?
  8. Do you think abortion-minded women realize that there are couples available to adopt their baby?


  1. "I think it's horrible that the government is using abortion as a political way to control people."
  2. "I don't think we should try to find common ground with someone who thinks it's okay to kill a baby!"
  3. "The abortion rate is going down because RU-486 isn't being counted."
Direct download: JoshBrahmOnWSGO.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:53am PST

Josh Brahm interviews local student Jillian and her mom. After interviewing Josh and Kyle, Jillian wrote a paper and gave a pro-life speech to her entire class, and got very positive feedback from her teacher as well as her fellow students. Even more impressive: Jillian is just 14-years-old. Listen to her story here.

Direct download: BONUS-InterviewWithJilian.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am PST

Former Life Report co-host Carrie Guy was beloved by many fans. She brought something different to the show, as a youth pastor and a post-abortive pastors kid. 

She had to leave the show last year when she had baby, but she's come back for a special episode to share her story that includes having an abortion as a teen, her recovery process later, and ultimately helping other post-abortive women. 

Carrie also talks about how the modern church is doing responding to the abortion issue as well as tips for talking to pregnant women who are considering abortion. 

Learn more about Carrie and invite her to speak to your group at


Direct download: LifeReport146.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:57pm PST