Right to Life Radio
The Life Report team brings back a classic Life Report topic: pro-life bumper stickers. It quickly becomes a debate between Josh and Andrew on what the purpose of a pro-life bumper sticker should be, while Liz, as usual, mediates. Listener Competition: Create your own pro-life bumper sticker and email it to Josh. It can't be based on a bumper stick or slogan already in use. We'll vote on the best bumper sticker in a future episode and the winner will receive a $50 Best Buy gift card!
Direct download: LifeReport124.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:57am PST

Guest Co-Host: Christina Dunigan, Pro-Life Researcher/Blogger http://realchoice.blogspot.com/ Caller 1: Isn't claiming that the aborting of disabled babies will shut down the Special Olympics a bad pro-life argument? 2: It seems like our government is turning a blind eye to abortion facilities with low health standard. Do you feel there will ever be a time when our government will take action on this issue? 3: I think it's a good idea to try to understand the motivations of pro-choice politicians. Listener Mail: Antonio from Portugal writes to us with some shocking excerpts about abortion from a sexuality textbook in Spain.
Direct download: show_2138331.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:23am PST

Live Action President Lila Rose and Media Director David Schmidt join Josh to discuss their latest project, IStandWithIndiana.org. They explain why Indiana is the "ground zero" of the abortion battle right now, discuss their project and Planned Parenthood’s reaction to it. They then respond to listener comments & questions, from both pro-lifers and pro-choicers.
Direct download: LifeReport123.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:59am PST

Note from Josh: Open Line runs through Skype, and Skype was apparently working very poorly the night we recorded this. Thus, the audio is pretty skippy. You can still follow what we’re saying, but it’s not nearly the same quality you’re used to from Life Report. If you’re willing to be patient with that, I think the content of this show will be helpful to you. From now on, we’ll run a backup recording off our mixer so that if Skype acts stupid again, we can replace the audio straight from our board. Caller Questions: 1: "How would you respond to this pro-choice argument: ‘DNA is like computer code, and many fetuses die before birth because their computer code malfunctions, so we really can’t know if a fetus is human until it’s born.’" 2: "I think the popular pro-life quote, ‘abortion has killed one-fourth of our generation’ is both a false statistic and a poor argument." Listener Mail Questions: 1: "Technically, ‘abortion’ is the termination of a pregnancy following, accompanied by, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Because a) this can apply to miscarriages and b) it’s the killing of the child, not the ending of the pregnancy, that we oppose, do you think it would behoove us to use a different word?" 2: "My friend wants to become an embryonic stem cell researcher. Is there any unique way you would discuss the issue of life with an abortion doctor or an embryonic stem cell researcher?" 3: "I was wondering, why some people would oppose reproductive cloning but not therapeutic/research cloning? It seems the one that doesn’t kill people would be preferred."
Direct download: show_2089545.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 1:59am PST

The Life Report team responds to the concern that by exposing poor pro-life arguments, we are helping pro-choice people win debates with pro-lifers who use those arguments. Are we inadvertently equipping "the enemy?"
Direct download: LifeReport122.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:39am PST

Guest Co-Host: Pro-Life Pastor Kristopher Mobbs. Includes listener questions on legislating morality, pro-life warning labels, the burning IVF lab scenario, and a pro-choice listener calls in to ask about whether women might be unjustly prosecuted for miscarriages if abortion becomes illegal.
Direct download: show_2032787.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:32am PST