Right to Life Radio
The show starts with Kyle confessing to an addiction to a massive online multiplayer Lord of the Rings game. Hilarity ensues. We get the chance to correct faulty logic from both sides of the abortion debate in this episode. We go from pro-life YouTube commenters stating that a CGI animation of fetal development is "proof that life begins at conception" to Planned Parenthood volunteers declaring war on science in a public debate.
Direct download: LifeReport113.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:25am PST

Liz starts the show expressing her concern that we came across too harsh against the pro-life sidewalk counselors in the last episode. After clarifying our feelings about that, we transition to the question of how pro-lifers should respond to severe fetal deformity. Pro-choicers point to children that will die within hours of birth as a case that proves abortion should be available. What are the most effective ways to respond? We answer that in this show, which is also the most emotional show we’ve ever recorded.
Direct download: LifeReport112.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:51am PST

I’ve done a lot of radio interviews, but I don’t enjoy any of them as much as I enjoy the never-ending banter between myself and Ken Adams at KRDU. I posted an MP3 of an interview with Ken last year, and it was the 5th most popular MP3 of the year. What’s different this year? Neither Ken or myself held back! Topics include: 1. Why I started the podcast 2. Faulty pro-life arguments 3. Does my show ever offend pro-lifers? 4. Does it bothers me when it does? 5. What does it mean practically to be an ambassador for Christ? 6. How did we make the transition to broadcast television? 7. How can religious TV broadcasting become more youth friendly? 8. How can we sum up the pro-life position in 10 seconds? 9. Should we use Bible verses during conversations with atheists about abortion and stem cell research? 10. How did turning the podcast into a TV series change the show?
Direct download: JoshBrahm-KRDU-1-11-11.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:21am PST

The Life Report team responds to a viral video of an aborting dad confronting two pro-life protestors outside of an abortion facility.
Direct download: LifeReport111.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:18am PST